Simply Give 2018


We are once again recipient of the 2018 fall campaign for SIMPLY GIVE through the MEIJER on Southport Road. This is great news!!! The campaign starts Sunday August 19 and goes through Saturday September 15. 

Pick up a donation card at MEIJER, pay $10 at the checkout and that money goes directly into our account. In fact, MEIJER will match any amount given in increments of $10!!!

We get the amount in FOOD GIFT CARDS at the end of the campaign and they can only be used to buy FOOD for our pantry at MEIJER. They cannot be given out to clients.

It has been a year since our last partnership with MEIJER and we made $34,450. Most of that came from the weekend that Meijer double matched which means they gave $20 for every $10 donated. This year they are only doing the match, so we have alot of work to do AND I know we can do it!

This is a wonderful program that MEIJER has and our biggest source of $$ for the pantry.

So, PLEASE donate and help us in the fight against hunger. THANK YOU!!

8946 Southeastern Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46239
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