We are on the 2024 Simply Give campaign at Meijers at Southport Rd. once again. We really need your help in making this the best campaign ever. It runs from March 31 to Saturday, June 29. You buy a $10 donation card from Meijers located at the check-out counter and they will match it.

God's Bounty will be the recpient of this next Meijer's Simply Give Campaign. It started July 2 and goes through Sept. 30. Every $10 donation card you buy, Meijers will match! This is great news! We really need your donations so we can continue to purchase the food items we need to help those in need in our community especially...

God's Bounty is once again recipient of this next SIMPLY GIVE winter campaign at Meijers at 5325 E. Southport Road Sunday February 14 through Saturday April 10. You purchase a $10 donation card from them which is found at the check-out counter.

God's Bounty has been up and running all through the pandemic. We have seen our numbers double in size as the need is great. We have been operating as a drive-thru pantry since March with prepackaged boxes of food plus all the extras we normally give out. Our volunteers have been dramatically decreased but we have a great core of...

We are once again recipient of the 2018 fall campaign for SIMPLY GIVE through the MEIJER on Southport Road. This is great news!!! The campaign starts Sunday August 19 and goes through Saturday September 15.

8946 Southeastern Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46239
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